Allow people to reach you incase of any issue with your vehicle. Add emergency contact details too.
Buy NowYour Phone number is not shared, and Any one with a Smart phone can contact you for any issues with your parked vehicle.
The Tag will help you keep your vehicle out of danger while its in parking. Anyone getting bothered will be able to contact you easily.
“User-Friendly Interface: The interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it simple for users to access and update their information.”
Amazon Customer
Sleek Design: The design of the NFC smart business card is sleek and professional, leaving a positive impression on recipients.”
Scotty tag
Versatile Functionality: The NFC technology allows for versatile functionality, such as sharing contact information, linking to websites or social media profiles, and even facilitating payments.”
From Google
Convenient Networking Tool: It serves as a convenient networking tool, enabling users to effortlessly exchange contact information with a simple tap.”
Car tag user
Enhanced Professional Image: Utilizing NFC technology enhances the professional image of the user or company, showcasing a commitment to innovation and efficiency.”
Menu Tag user
Eco-Friendly Alternative: NGF132 NFC smart business cards offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional paper cards, contributing to sustainability efforts. ”
Allow people to reach you incase of any issue with your vehicle. Add emergency contact details too.
Buy NowUse NGF132 Car Parking tag, using this tag people can reach you with privacy.
Buy NowEnable Calls, WhatsApp and more from the APP, check location, notifications and more.
Buy NowBuy once for a lifetime peace of mind, All basic services are free for ever.
Will ship the order within next 6 hrs, And you will have live whatsApp Support always.
We keep the tags updated, and all the past tags will be updated from cloud always.
Enjoy a free 7-day trial for enterprise plan. Buy the Business Card with ease
Buy Nowyes NGF132 tag comes with one time purchase and lifetime services.
Yes you can edit the details in tag anytime you like
Yes you can use the tags on same / different vehicles, all tags are unique.
NGF132 tag cost Rs 499, and its a one time payment.